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Adult female treated with upper and lower fixed ceramic brackets

Adult female treated with upper and lower ceramic brackets 

Adult female treated with upper and lower fixed ceramic brackets, start picture, progress pictures and end of treatment shown.

Adult male treated with upper and lower fixed ceramic brackets to close large open-bites.

Adult female with severe crowding, treated with upper and lower fixed ceramic brackets and the removal of three teeth

Adult male with large gap between upper front teeth treated with upper steel braces. Images show before treatment, progress of treatment and after orthodontic treatment.

Adult female with upper arch crowding although she had previous orthodontic treatment as a child. Treated with the removal of two upper teeth and upper and lower fixed ceramic brackets

Adult female with upper and lower arch crowding. Treated with the removal of two upper teeth and two lower teeth and upper and lower fixed ceramic brackets

Adult female with upper and lower arch crowding. Treated without removing teeth with upper and lower fixed ceramic brackets

Adult female with upper and lower arch spacing. Treated with upper and lower fixed ceramic brackets

Adult female in her fifties with upper and lower arch crowding. 

Treated without removing teeth with upper and lower fixed ceramic brackets. Inter-proximal enamel reduction (stripping) in the lower arch to make space to align the teeth.

Adult female with crooked teeth and open-bites. Treated with upper and lower fixed ceramic brackets

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